Concluding 333 go-kart camp! - Sporta komplekss 333

Concluding 333 go-kart camp!

This month we held our first go-kart camp after a 4-year break and we are so happy to say, that it was the best camp ever! ❤️

During the camp,  children drove go-karts and gained valuable knowledge on how to correctly drive trajectories, how to brake and how to be the fastest. Outside of learning how to drive go-kart,  they were  jumping in the 333 water park, riding water jets, watching movies, snacking, visiting sauna and making new friends!

Great thanks to all 333 go-kart camp participants, organizers, leaders and everyone who helped in organizing the camp! Also, a big thanks to the parents who trusted their children and made this camp unforgettable! 🎉

We saw how many smiles and emotions we gave to the little participants and how much positive charge we received back!

Thank you so much and see you next year!🥳